How to Keep Toilet Bowl Smelling Fresh?

Did you know that the average person spends nearly 3 hours a year hovering over an unclean toilet bowl? Gross, right? The good news is that you don't have to be part of this statistic. Keeping your toilet bowl smelling fresh is actually quite easy if you know the right tricks. In this blog post, I'm going to share with you some of my tried and true tips for keeping your toilet bowl smelling clean and fresh. So, if you're ready to banish those embarrassing odors and start enjoying your bathroom again, keep reading!

How to Keep Toilet Bowl Smelling Fresh?

  • Flush the toilet regularly to keep the bowl clean.
  • Scrub the bowl with a toilet brush, paying attention to the rim.
  • Sprinkle baking soda inside the toilet bowl, and use a toilet brush to scrub it in.
  • Squirt vinegar into the toilet bowl, and use the toilet brush to scrub.
  • Pour 1/2 cup of chlorine bleach into the toilet bowl, and let it sit for 10 minutes.
  • Flush the toilet once more to rinse the bowl.

How to Keep Your Toilet Bowl Smelling Fresh

Regular Cleaning

One of the most important things you can do to keep your toilet bowl smelling fresh is to regularly clean it. A basic cleaning schedule should involve scrubbing the bowl with a brush and a toilet bowl cleaner every week, or more often if it is heavily used. Make sure to get in the hard-to-reach places, like the underside of the rim.

Use Baking Soda and Vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar are two of the best natural cleaners you can use to keep your toilet bowl smelling fresh. To use, simply sprinkle baking soda and then spray white vinegar around the bowl. Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes, then scrub with a brush. Rinse with warm water and your toilet bowl will be sparkling clean.


Borax is a natural cleaning product that can be used to keep your toilet bowl smelling fresh. To use, sprinkle 1/4 cup of Borax in the toilet bowl and let it sit for an hour. Then, scrub the bowl with a brush and flush. The Borax will help eliminate odors and leave your toilet bowl smelling fresh.

Try an Odor-Eliminating Toilet Bowl Cleaner

If you're looking for a more powerful way to keep your toilet bowl smelling fresh, try using an odor-eliminating toilet bowl cleaner. These cleaners contain special ingredients that help to neutralize odors and keep your toilet smelling fresher for longer.

Use an Air Freshener

If you want to keep your toilet smelling fresh, try using an air freshener. Air fresheners come in a variety of scents, so you can choose one that fits your preference. Place it near the toilet or spray it in the bowl to keep it smelling fresh.

Keep the Lid Closed

Finally, make sure to keep the lid of the toilet closed when not in use. This will help keep odors from escaping and will help keep your bathroom smelling fresh.

Related FAQ

Question 1: What are some good ways to keep a toilet bowl smelling fresh?

Answer: Keeping a toilet bowl smelling fresh is a vital part of bathroom hygiene. There are many simple and effective ways to achieve this, such as using a toilet cleaner every few days to keep the bowl clean and prevent buildup of germs, regularly scrubbing the bowl with a brush or an antibacterial cleaner, and using a good quality toilet freshener. Adding a few drops of essential oils to the water can also help keep the toilet smelling fresh. Additionally, using a toilet deodorizer, such as a toilet spray or a gel, can provide an extra layer of protection to keep the bowl smelling fresh for longer.

Question 2: How often should I clean the toilet bowl?

Answer: The frequency of cleaning a toilet bowl largely depends on the amount of use it gets. Generally, it is recommended to give the bowl a thorough scrub at least once a week and use a toilet cleaner every few days. For households with more frequent use, it is best to clean the bowl more frequently. A toilet brush is recommended for daily cleaning, as it can help scrub and remove stubborn stains. Additionally, it is recommended to use a good quality toilet cleaner and a toilet freshener every few weeks to keep the bowl clean and smelling fresh.

Question 3: What is the best way to keep a toilet bowl smelling fresh?

Answer: The best way to keep a toilet bowl smelling fresh is to use a combination of methods. Regularly cleaning the bowl, using a good quality toilet cleaner and a toilet freshener, and scrubbing the bowl with a brush or an antibacterial cleaner are all great ways to keep the bowl smelling fresh. Additionally, adding a few drops of essential oils to the water can help keep the toilet smelling pleasant. Lastly, using a toilet deodorizer, such as a toilet spray or a gel, can provide an extra layer of protection and keep the bowl smelling fresh for longer.

Question 4: What are some natural ways to keep a toilet bowl smelling fresh?

Answer: There are many natural ways to keep a toilet bowl smelling fresh. A natural toilet cleaner such as baking soda, vinegar, or lemon juice can be used to clean the bowl and remove any buildup of bacteria or germs. Additionally, adding a few drops of essential oils such as lavender, tea tree, or eucalyptus to the water can help keep the toilet smelling pleasant. Using natural air fresheners such as potpourri, scented candles, or incense can also help keep the bathroom area smelling fresh. Lastly, using a natural toilet deodorizer, such as a natural toilet spray or a gel, can provide an extra layer of protection to keep the bowl smelling fresh for longer.

Question 5: What are some tips for keeping a toilet bowl clean?

Answer: There are several tips to keep a toilet bowl clean. First, it is important to clean the bowl at least once a week with a toilet brush or an antibacterial cleaner. Additionally, using a good quality toilet cleaner every few days can help prevent buildup of germs and stains. It is also important to flush the toilet regularly to keep the bowl clean. Lastly, using a toilet deodorizer, such as a toilet spray or a gel, can provide an extra layer of protection and help keep the toilet bowl clean.

Question 6: What are the benefits of keeping a toilet bowl clean?

Answer: Keeping a toilet bowl clean is essential for maintaining a healthy home environment. Regularly cleaning the bowl helps prevent the buildup of germs and bacteria, which can lead to illness and infections. Additionally, it is important to keep the bowl clean to prevent bad odors from forming. A clean toilet bowl can also make it easier to spot potential problems, such as cracks or leaks. Lastly, a clean and fresh smelling toilet bowl can be a sign of good hygiene and make the bathroom area more inviting for guests.

When it comes to keeping your home clean and smelling fresh, the toilet bowl is one of the most important places to focus on. While cleaning the bathroom is usually a top priority, it can be difficult to keep the toilet bowl smelling pleasant and free from odors. Fortunately, there are a few simple and effective steps you can take to keep your toilet bowl smelling fresh and free from any unpleasant odors. In this blog post, we'll be taking a look at how to keep your toilet bowl smelling fresh and free from any unpleasant odors.

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